Care Guide for the Aglaonema Pink Star Houseplant, Aglaonema Care guide, Pink Star Aglaonema Care
The Aglaonema Pink Star is a gorgeous rare houseplant that will thrive easily in your home. Tolerant of low light conditions and easy care, they are perfect plants for the beginner but attractive collector plants for more experienced growers.

Aglaonema's are sometimes called Chinese evergreens, but they dont only grow in China. Aglaonema's are native to Asia and New Guinea, the world's second-largest island with unrivalled biodiversity, containing 10 per cent of the world's total species, including 20,000 unique plant species. Why should all that matter? The sheer range and variety of Aglaonema mean new types are being discovered and brought into the houseplant market all the time. A real collectors plant.
How do you take care of Aglaonema pink?
Aglaonema's make excellent houseplants; used to the temperatures we enjoy at home, anything between 65-75°F is perfect. Similar to all tropical houseplants, avoid drafty areas and temperatures below 60°F. Aglaonema's don't like the cold; they will fade and die very quickly if exposed to low temperatures for even a short period so keep doors and windows closed in the winter.
Aglaonema is grown and kept for its leaves' shape, colour and size. The flowers are poor in comparison, so removing any flowers or inflorescences that develop to prolong the plant's life is recommended. Often purchased plants will have a cutting; this is the grower or houseplants shop, taking good care of your plant and maintaining the plant's health before purchase.
Aglaonema Pink Star like bright light but don't cope well in direct sunlight in the summer. The leaves can burn quickly if placed behind glass in high summer. They do best a few feet away from the window in the summer but prefer being moved closer in winter. Moving your houseplants through the year can help a plant grow well in the early years. Older, more mature plants cope much better-being with being left alone, but plants need a constant supply of good light and plant food to mature and grow a good root structure.

How often do you water Aglaonema Pink Star?
Watering is vital for Aglaonema; ideally, keep the soil slightly moist at all times, letting it dry out in between waterings only sparingly. Avoid letting your plant stand in water, and ensure that you use a pot with holes for drainage, as Aglaonema are susceptible to root rot. If you get root rot, the pant and water with smell and the only way to save the plant is to repot the plant into dry soil.
Many sites recommend watering every one or two weeks, which is sensible but only if your plant is getting good light and warmth. Check your plant regularly to ensure it looks healthy; overwatered plants look limp and yellow. Dry soil and brown and crispy leaves are typically a result of too little water.

Are Aglaonema Pink Stars easy to care for?
Aglaonema Pink Evergreen (Pink Star) is one of the best indoor air purifying plants and is coveted for its bright foliage, grows happily in shade or indirect sun, and will cope with neglect. This a superb houseplant choice if you crave the jungle look in your home or you watt to gift a unique houseplant.
So remind me again, how do I keep my Aglaonema healthy?
Keeping your Aglaonema Pink star healthy is easy with these simple hacks:
- Plant aglaonema in well-draining potting soil. Aglaonema hate rot root.
- Place Aglaonema in bright indirect light. It comes from the tropics. Aglaonema loves bright light.
- Keep temperatures warm, Aglaonema hate getting cold.
- Aglaonema plants benefit from occasional repotting. Aglaonema's grow fast.
- They are hungry plants; Aglaonema like being fed. Use good plant food like our own organic Vegan plant food.
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