Terrariums 101: Choosing the Best Plants and Supplies
Terrariums offer a unique way to bring a piece of nature into your home. Whether you're building one from scratch or enhancing an existing setup, choosing the right plants and supplies is crucial for creating a thriving miniature ecosystem. This post will guide you through selecting the best plants and essential supplies for your terrarium.
Selecting the Right Plants
The success of your terrarium largely depends on the plants you choose. Here’s how to select the best plants for your terrarium type:
For Closed Terrariums: Choose moisture-loving plants such as ferns, mosses, and fittonia. These thrive in the high humidity and low light conditions typical of closed environments. Their ability to flourish under these conditions makes them excellent for creating a lush, green landscape in a sealed terrarium.
For Open Terrariums: Succulents and air plants are superb choices as they prefer environments with less humidity and more light. They require minimal watering, which makes them ideal for open terrarium setups. Unlike cacti, which often require more ventilation and less frequent watering than a terrarium can typically provide, succulents and air plants can thrive in the limited space and controlled environment of an open terrarium.
Our extensive range at Happy Houseplants includes a variety of these easy-care plants suitable for both open and closed terrariums. We carefully select plants that require minimal specialist care, ensuring they are accessible for enthusiasts of all levels. Discover our collection and find the perfect plants for your terrarium at Happy Houseplants.

Must-Have Supplies for Building a Terrarium
To ensure your terrarium is both beautiful and functional, you'll need the following supplies:
Glass Container: Choose a container that complements the type of terrarium you’re creating. Closed terrariums typically use jars with lids, while open terrariums look great in bowls or geometric glass containers.
Proper Substrate: Layer your terrarium with these essentials:
Drainage Layer: Gravel or small stones prevent water from pooling at the bottom.
Charcoal Layer: Activated charcoal keeps the water fresh and prevents mold and odors.
Soil Layer: Use potting soil suited for your chosen plants—cacti mix for succulents or peat moss for ferns and mosses.
Tools: Long tweezers and a small trowel or spoon will help you place plants and decorations precisely.
Plant Care and Placement. Here are some tips to ensure your plants thrive in their new home:
Arrangement: Arrange your plants by size and compatibility. Taller plants should go in the back, and shorter, foreground plants should not obstruct the view of other plants.
Spacing: Give each plant enough space to grow. Overcrowding can lead to moisture issues and inhibit growth.
Adding a Personal Touch. Personalize your terrarium with decorations that reflect your style:
Figurines: Add miniature figures or fairy garden accessories to create a story.
Stones and Pebbles: Use these for aesthetic appeal and to improve drainage.
Wood Pieces: Driftwood or bark can add a natural, rustic touch.
Maintenance Tips
Monitoring: Regularly check your terrarium for signs of over or under-watering.
Cleaning: Keep the glass clean and clear to enjoy the view and allow light to reach the plants.

Building a terrarium is an enjoyable activity that can add a bit of greenery and creativity to any indoor space. By choosing the right plants and supplies, you can ensure your miniature garden will flourish and bring you joy for years to come.
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